Twilight Barbies

Edward Bella BarbiesGet the Complete Set of Twilight Barbie Dolls!

Barbie dolls are some of the most collected dolls of all time. Therefore, the Twilight Barbies, including Bella, Edward and Jacob, are sure to be a hit with children and collectors.

Most of us started collecting with our childhood Barbie collection. We actually spent hours playing with, changing their clothes and decorating their homes. We even purchased cars for them!

As an adult, I view them in a completely different way. I am fascinated by the details in their clothing, the elaborate hair styles and gorgeous jewelry. Not only are they beautiful, but they often represent a historical era, a fantasy, or even a favorite book or movie.

Such is the case of the Twilight Collection of Barbie dolls. These Babies are created in the images of our favorite Twilight characters. Now we can all have our own Edward or Jacob and display Bella with the man of our choice.

Bella and Edward Barbies Wedding Set – The Wedding ~ The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1

Twilight Bride and Groom Barbies

Bride Bella Barbie Doll & Groom Edward Barbie Doll

Barbie Collector Dolls from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn

Barbie Collector The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Bella DollBuy Now Barbie Collector The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Edward DollBuy Now



The Three Main Characters of the Twilight Series

In the books, Bella chose to marry Edward, but there were some fans who were definitely Team Jacob fans. With the individual Barbie dolls, you can decide which one Bella chooses.


Bella Barbie, Edward Barbie – For Team Edward Fans, and Jacob Barbie – For Team Jacob Fans!

In true Barbie fashion, Bella is still quite lovely in her every day blue jean attire. Edward is also out of his wedding clothes and into his everyday attire. And, of course, the Jacob doll from the Twilight Saga “New Moon”, is dressed in his standard cutoff shorts.

Barbie Collector Twilight Saga Edward DollCheck Price Barbie Collector Twilight Saga Bella DollCheck Price Barbie Collector Twilight Saga New Moon Jacob DollCheck Price


You Will Definitely Want the Rest of the Characters to Complete Your Collection!

Alice, Victoria and Jane Barbies

Each of these women play an important part in the Twilight Series. Alice is definitely a favorite though out the series of movies and books. Any true Twilight fan will certainly want an Alice Barbie doll for their collection.

Victoria is the one we all love to hate in the Twilight Saga “Eclipse”. Jane is another one of the female characters most of us are not very fond of, even though she is young and quite lovely. We may hate Victoria in the series, but isn’t she a beautiful Barbie doll with her long, flowing red hair! Just seeing the Barbie brings back memories of her long hair flying behind her as she was running through the woods in the movie.

The Jane Barbie is wearing her beautiful black cape. It really is a pretty ensemble, in typical Mattel Barbie style. I have to admit, I wish I had that cape in my own wardrobe.

Barbie Collector Twilight Saga Eclipse Victoria DollCheck Price Barbie Collector Twilight Saga Eclipse Alice DollCheck Price Barbie Collector Twilight Saga Eclipse Jane DollCheck Price


Complete the Twilight Series Barbie Collection

There is a Barbie available for all the main characters in the Twilight Series. I wanted to make sure to display the Esme and Carlisle Barbies separate from the others since they were such an intricate part of the actual plot of the books.

As the mother of the “family, Esme is often portrayed as the kinder, more considered of all the vampires. Carlisle is the father figure and everyone looks to him for guidance and leadership. We must remember, it all started with Carlisle, the doctor who wanted to save lives!

 Barbie Collector The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Esme DollCheck Price

The Other Supporting Characters in the Twilight Saga

Alice’s poor tortured Jasper wove his own place in our hearts even though he was not one of the 3 primary characters. The story would simply not be complete without the other vampire “family” members and couple, Emmett and Rosalie. They each play an important part as supporting vampires, but they also have strong personalities.

Mattel Barbie Collector The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II Jasper DollCheck Price Mattel Barbie Collector The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II Rosalie DollCheck Price Barbie Collector The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II Emmett DollCheck Price


As with any Barbie doll, all the Barbies in the Twilight Collection are beautiful and fabulous. For those of us who loved the books and movies, who also collect Barbies, this is a dream collection. We want them all! One of the really cool things about collecting Barbies from our favorite stories, we can pretend things happened exactly how we would have wanted them to happen. Plus, we can change our minds daily.

The Twilight series books are all written, the movies are all finished and are available on DVD, but don’t you ever wonder if we have truly heard the last of Edward & Bella? After all, vampires live for hundreds of years!

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 BellaCheck Price