Potholder Loom with Loops

Potholder Loom and LoopsFor many of us, the potholders we made for our mothers and grandmothers were our first experience  with craft kits.  Making the potholders with the cotton loops and potholder looms were easy and we felt such a sense of accomplishment.  Especially when our moms praised our work and used the potholders for their intended purpose.  I fondly remember my potholder making days, which is why I am reviewing the potholder looms today.

Kids love making special gifts for their moms and most moms cook.  Therefore, the handmade potholders are the perfect gift for mothers anytime, and for any reason.  They are a wonderful way to say I love you Mom!  Plus, they always remind her of a child’s love and thoughtfulness.


Potholder Loom Kit

 Harrisville Designs F550-AZ , Multi-ColorMaking the potholder is easy with the loom.  Simply stretch the loop on the pegs from one side to the other.  When the first set is finished, hook a loop over a free peg on the 3rd side and weave the loop back & forth through the first set of loops.  Use a crochet hook to crochet one loop through the loop on its left and continue until you reach the final loop.

I admit, as a child, I had no idea I was learning how to crochet a single chain stitch by finishing the potholder edges.  That may well be why basic crocheting came so easily to me when I was a young teenager.

The finished potholders make a fabulous gift for anyone who cooks.  Plus, they are truly a wonderful beginner craft that encourages a child to be creative.



Potholder Loom & LoopsTip for moms:  If you have never made a potholder on a loom yourself, buy a kit for yourself and learn with your child.  If you already know how to make them, be available to help your child as they learn.  You might even consider buying the Potholder Pro kit which was created for larger hands.  Oh, and be sure to buy extra loops so you and your child can continue to make additional potholders for everyone in the family.

Crafting together always creates great memories!

Moms, please show how much you appreciate your child’s handiwork by actually using the potholder they make for you.


 Harrisville Designs F550-AZ , Multi-Color Makes 2 PotholdersCheck Price friendly loom PRO Size Lotta Loops Rainbow Cotton Loops Makes 6Check Price Harrisville Designs 10″ Potholder (PRO Size) Loom Kit, Makes 2 PotholdersCheck Price



Potholder Loom & Loops