Little Golden Books

For over 70 years, Little Golden Books have been in almost every child’s book collections. In many cases, they were our first readers, a child’s first book, a favorite gift to be treasured and passed down for generations. My children now own my personal collection of Little Golden Books and we added additions to that collections over the years just for them.

Little Golden Books have always been affordably priced which is certainly a huge consideration for families. While they no longer bear their price tag of 25¢, their original cost in 1942, they are still economically priced for approximately $3.75 if purchased individually, but the best bargains are often the Little Golden Book Gift Sets.

*Note: The Book shown is One Book that contains 46 Stories, not a gift set of 46 individual books

Little Golden Books ~ A Part of Every Christmas

60 Years of Little Golden Books Anniversary Collection Gift Set

 60 Years of Little Golden Books: Limited Edition Anniversary Collection: The Poky Little Puppy, The Saggy Baggy Elephant, Tootle, Scuffy the Tugboat,The Shy Little Kitten,
Tawny Scrawny Lion
Check Price

Throughout my children’s per-school and early elementary school years, we always gave them Little Golden Books for Christmas. I still have the Sear’s Wishbooks from when they were little, where they circled the toys they wanted for Christmas and in one, the Little Golden Books entire book collection was circled.

The stories and illustrations in the Little Golden Books collection were always a favorite in our home. To this day, The Poky Little Puppy was so endeared to us, that one would think he was our own first pet.

Our son adored The Little Red Caboose. He loved that book so much, that his Great Grandmother searched and found a little red toy train for him and his grandfather purchased an engineers overall suit to give him for Christmas. I have both the train and the engineers outfit put away and saved for him.

Reading to Our Children

Classic Characters of Little Golden Books Collection Gift Set

 Classic Characters of Little Golden Books: The Poky Little Puppy, Tootle, The Saggy Baggy Elephant, Tawny Scrawny Lion, and Scuffy the TugboatCheck Price

It was a habit in our home to read to our children every night at bedtime. They were allowed to select the books and we read to them, often until they fell asleep. There was almost always a Little Golden Book included in our nightly reading.

Children love stories and that special time of day when one of us set aside everything else to read to them. Even a visit to Grandmother’s house always included a tote bag of Little Golden Books.

Today, those golden spines peek out at me from their bookshelves when I dust their rooms. I have no doubt they are patiently waiting for the next generation of little hands to hold and love them.

Little Golden Books that Hold a Special Place in Our Hearts

The gift sets and boxed collections featured above, are awesome and the perfect place to start a collection of Little Golden Books for your own family. However, there are hundreds of individual Little Golden Books available that can be purchased individually.

These are just a few of our personal favorites that are not included in either of the gift sets above.

 The Little Red Caboose (Little Golden Book)Check Price The Three BearsCheck Price The Little Red Hen (Little Golden Book)Check Price Hansel and Gretel (A Little Golden Book)Check Price Theodore Mouse Up in the Air (Little Golden Readers)Check Price Max helps out (A First little golden book)Check Price