Easter Legos

I have always loved placing a special Easter toy in my children’s Easter baskets. Since my son adores Legos, giving him a new Easter Lego set in his Easter basket shows him that his Easter basket was made especially for him and with him in mind.

With the Lego Easter basket set, he can build his own Lego Easter basket and fill it will his own Easter egg designs. I should warn you though, if you give you child Legos in their Easter basket before the Easter egg hunt, you might have trouble getting them out for the hunt. My own son would get so excited about his new Lego set, that he would immediately go to work on building his Lego Easter set and not move from the spot until his new beautiful Lego creation was finished.

Easter Lego Sets

 LEGO Seasonal Set Bunny and Chick Bagged (40031)Check Price

Because my son always wants to make his Lego set immediately, I normally purchase 2 Lego sets for Easter. I only put one in his actual Easter basket and I give him the second Easter Lego gift after the Easter egg hunt and the Easter dinner.

This not only separates the gifts so he can enjoy each one separately, but the second set gives him a way to unwind before bed after such an active day. I personally like the little Lego Easter bunnies and chicks. I prefer to hold those until the end of the day so I can sit with him at the table, sip tea and watch him build his Lego set.

These Easter sets don’t really have enough pieces in them to require help, but it does still give us time together, even if I am simply watching.

Because my son collects Legos, these Easter Lego creations will be added to his collection and displayed for everyone to see. He really does treasure his Lego collection of finished pieces.

More Easter Lego Sets

I have talked about my son in this article simply because he really is our Lego enthusiasts, but our daughter really likes the Lego bunny rabbits and the spring flowers.

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