Classic Wood Lincoln Logs for Building Collections

Lincoln-Log-SetIn a world of plastic, isn’t it fun to go back to those wood building sets like Lincoln Logs? That look of the Frontier West with log cabins is just too much fun. Lincoln Logs were my first building sets. And I’m sure many of you still know them today.

History of Lincoln Logs

It was John Lloyd Wright,  son of the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, who invented these marvelous building toys in 1916. They were made entirely of wood back then. And still are today. A failed attempt was made to create them from plastic in the 1970’s. Lincoln Logs were seen by parents and educators as great learning toys to challenge a child’s hand-eye coordination and imagination.

In the Baby Boom era of Post-WWII, Lincoln Logs made a resurgence in popularity. Parents wanted those educational toys for their children. 100% wood toys are still popular today.

Wood Building Sets with Imagination

The way Lincoln Logs are designed, with the notched ends that must fit together, provides more than just stacking talent. This is good news for parents, but also fun news for us who enjoy collecting classic toys. We have the ability to use our own imaginations to recreate full Old West towns, farms and forts. From the original “Abe Lincoln’s Cabin,” these toys have come along way. Here are some that I have enjoyed building as part of my own collection.


 Lincoln Logs – 100th Anniversary Tin, 111 Pieces, Real Wood Logs – Ages 3+Check Price LINCOLN LOGS – Classic Meetinghouse – 117 Parts – Real Wood Logs – Ages 3+ – Collectible TinCheck Price LINCOLN LOGS – Classic Farmhouse, 268 Pieces, Real Wood Logs – Ages 3+Check Price

The classic edition has the same parts that were in the original tins and comes in a tin itself. The little homestead collection makes a wonderful farmland addition. And we certainly can’t forget Fort Hudson, one of those fun classics that deserves to be in any Old West world.

More Options from Lincoln Logs

Besides these three fun classics, K’nex Company, which now distributes the wood log toys, has a number of other options. Take a look at Lincoln Log Toy Sets to see plenty more log buildings, cabin styles homesteads and especially the collectors set of the original designs. Your own collection of Old West log cabins and forts will have great new additions.