Ty Beanie Baby Ghosts for Halloween Collections

Ty-Beanie-Baby-GhostsSo many of us collect Ty’s Beanie Babies. We collect them just because they are all so delightful. When I saw the Ghost Beanie Babies, I was hooked. My own large group of these darlings couldn’t be complete without some ghosts.

Specialty Collections

Like so many other collectors of Beanie Babies, I have specialty groups of the little stuffed characters. My bears, of course, but also my wildlife, my jungle animals and now my Halloween group. The bats and the pumpkins from Ty are part of my Halloween decorations every year. This year, I am adding to that holiday collection with some cute ghosts.

My Favorite Ghosts from Ty

Ty Warner, Inc. may have only started making these little characters in 1993, so they aren’t part of my own childhood, but I was hooked on collecting them from the beginning. Now, that I’m expanding my Halloween Beanie Babies, I’ve chosen some of my favorite ghosts to add.


 Ty Beanie Boos Mist the Ghost – 9 InchCheck Price Beanie Baby Nightcap ghost Stuffed Plush Doll 6inchCheck Price Ty Spike Ghost Reg 6Check Price

The Perfect Fun Collection

One of the best parts of collecting Ty Beanie Babies is the price tag. Yes, the joy of the look of these charming little guys is the best part, but the Ty Warner company had the good sense to keep the price to something reasonable. That makes it perfect to have a number of different special collections. Besides, look how inexpensive it becomes to add a new grouping, or add to a current one.

Displaying Beanie Babies

I don’t keep my little characters locked away in a display case. Instead, I use them as part of my decorating. During holidays, like Halloween, my Beanie Babies sit on the back of furniture, along the mantel in the living room, and tucked into the dining table centerpiece. They make completely charming additions to any decorating. Plus, my grandchildren have a wonderful time searching for my little characters. A fun added bonus.

See All the Beanie Baby Ghosts

A complete line of these delightful ghosts are available through Amazon.com. Take a look at Ty Beanie Baby Ghosts to see the whole collection including my personal favorites that I featured here.