
Spirograph Art KitMany of us remember our first Spirograph set and becoming a “great artist”. Spending countless hours creating multicolored masterpieces and presenting them to our parents as gifts. I am certain my mother has dozens, if not hundreds, of Spirograph art pieces saved from my childhood days. I personally have a box full of beautiful drawings from my own son and daughter.

Spirograph has endured as a favorite drawing toy for generations.

I certainly had my own Spirograph set, my children had their Spirograph and I have no doubt that if I ever have any grandchildren, they will have a Spirograph too.

The Original Spirograph Deluxe Set in New Packaging

 Original Spirograph Deluxe SetCheck Price

I remember the early days of Spirograph when we pinned our Spirograph main and paper to a cardboard piece with real pins. Today reusable spiro putty is used to hold the main spiro wheel in place while we encircle it with the smaller gear style wheels.

This kit comes with 2 main Spirograph rings, 15 various sized round wheels, 4 shaped wheels, 3 ink pens, putty, paper, and design guide, which are all contained in a snap closed carry case.

 Fiskars Gel Pen 48-Piece Value Set (12-27457097J)Check Price

Running out of my favorite colored ink was easily one of the most distressing and frustrating moments in my Spirographing years.

I highly recommend purchasing additional pens and adding more color choices to your child’s Spirograph “palette” from the very beginning.

Oh, and you will definitely want to purchase extra paper! 20 sheets will not last long once any child starts creating in the wonderful world of Spirograph.