Fisher Price Little People Toys

Top Little People Toys by Fisher Price

Fisher Price Little People Happy HomeLittle People Toys by Fisher Price provide safe toys with attention to details and advantages for your toddler that you will not find in ordinary toys.

Fisher Price takes the time to think about educational details, how children play, what they are interested in, how many ways they will interact with a toy. The Little People Toys are made especially for toddlers and provide hours of fun and educational opportunities.

As you browse the best Little People toys by Fisher Price, think about the child who will be receiving your gift. Consider what kinds of things they personally enjoy, as well as their skill level. If you are familiar with the child’s personality, learning skills, and interests, you should have no problem picking out exactly the right toy for them. I am certain that any child would love any of the following items. They are all fabulous.


Fisher Price Animal Sounds Farm

Recommended ages: 12 months to 5 years old

 Fisher-Price Little People Toddler Learning Toy Caring for Animals Farm Playset with Smart Stages for Pretend Play Kids Ages 1+ years​Check Price

A farm theme opens a wide range of opportunities for learning. Depending on the desired focus, there are vast topic opportunities beyond what can be listed on this page. Think about farms for food, or eggs, or milk, or farms which create materials for fabric (cotton for example). As you make a list of the different kinds of farms, you can then think about how to challenge each child just a little each time you interact with them while they play.

Topics such as animals (what they are, what sound they make) are basic and then expand to what they eat, how they provide us with something (chickens and eggs or cows and milk). While you are at the market you can remind about something on the farm. Think about daily life (work, school, meal time, clothing, and more) then relate something to the Little People’s toys.


Fisher-Price Little People Wheelies Stand ‘n Play Rampway

Recommended ages 18 months to 6 years old

Little People Wheelies Stand ‘n Play RampwayCheck Price

There are few children who do not love cars (boys and girls alike) and this is going to be a Little People’s toy which will provide excitement as well as learning opportunities. Count cars, identify colors, watch them swoop down the ramps. Talk about gravity, science, tell stories of driving to visit friends, or having a long drive to go to the park.

Transportation provides our communities with a way to move from place to place. Children enjoy the sounds as well as the educational value in playing with transportation themed Little People toys.


Fisher-Price Little People Happy Sounds Home

Recommended for children ages 12 months to 4 years

Fisher Price Little People Happy Home

A combination of sounds, colors, and a ‘doll house’ feel which will provide time playing while also listening to ‘happy sounds’ and learning more about home, family, and friends. Little People Happy Sounds Home would be a great way to provide a child with a toy which helps them to learn about home and family. What ever your family unit looks like, it is a way to teach about it. To provide communication about family.

While you are discussing family and your family unit you can begin to assist your child in developing communication skills about how she fits into the family unit and each part / role or way each member is interdependent on each other.

Sharing with your child in ways your child learns about the world around him will eventually have a positive impact on his ability to discuss and interact with family and friends.


Fisher-Price Little People Noah’s Ark

Recommended for children ages 12 months to 4 years

Fisher-Price Little People Noah’s ArkCheck Price

Kids who enjoy Bible stories are going to adore the Little Peoples Noah’s Ark set. Bring the stories to life with hands on play time and engage your child in stories they can relate to while they play with the pieces in this set.

Ask them to identify the animals, talk about where they live, discuss what kinds of families they have, what they eat, what noise they make, and so much more. Give children hands on learning experiences so the stories are easy to remember.

More Noah’s Ark Books and Toys

Read a book while playing or sing songs about the stories you are interacting with. There are so many topics you can adapt to any toy play set and this one is a great choice for pre-school or Sunday school age children.


Fisher-Price Little People Open and Close SUV

Great for children 1 – 4 years

Fisher-Price Little People Open and Close SUVCheck Price

Where are we going to go in our amazing pink SUV Little People style? How about a camping trip, a visit family, or go to the zoo, or maybe just down the block to the market? Get out a map and let your child pick a destination. Once a destination is determined, then discuss preparation for the trip. Check the air in the tires, check the fuel gauge, make sure you have packed everything you need to take with you.

This ‘journey’ begins and ends with a lot of imagination and independent thought. Giving children opportunities to think things through, communicate, measure and count (days for the journey, counting supplies for each day). Who will go with us? Who or what will we see along the way?

Role playing can be such an amazing and satisfying time with your child or grand child and Little People Toys gives you such a great lead in this by giving you props to begin your journey into interaction, role play, fun, and learning.


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Fisher Price toys for toddlers